A handsome, symmetrical, two-story fire house that was built at a time when horses still drew fire apparartus
A new 13-story office tower headquarters for BCBS Rhode Island built in 2008
An opportunity for mid-century modern along a stretch of land opened up by razing older properties during the construction of I-95
A non-descript simple one-story brick and concrete structure on a busy commercial portion of Broadway
A 60 year old metal blacksmithing business known for its craft, ingenuity, and dedication to quality fabrication
Brilliant — park your car on top, bowl below. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t hip enough to survive waning interest before bowling made a resurgence
A family-owned party supply, costume, and novelty store operating since the early 1980s. Closed in 2005 and burned in 2011.
One of the most profitable race tracks in American history had a 44 year run
Lucky for all of us, the Rustic has so far outlasted 13 other drive-ins that operated in Rhode Island since the 1960s
An early 19th-century complex with two granite stone mills in the first “Mill Village” is converted into residential apartments
A mid-19th century small scale commercial brick mill has been a home to various businesses and loving owners
This over 190 year old structure survived 170 years as an indoor mall but now is a collection of retail and micro-loft styles residential condos
A photo recreation series of a RISD student portfolio taken in 1975 and 1976 — recreated in 2008