A handsome, if not crumbling, three story brick and granite five-sided commercial building at the gateway to Pawtucket’s Downtown
The first building in Rhode Island made from recycled shipping containers is available for lease as office space
A 250+ year old home belonging to one of the captain’s that took part in the burning of the Gaspee
A neighborhood battle and a prolonged redevelopment took down Clark’s to replace it with mixed-use residential and commercial space
A small stature mill building in a residential neighborhood with many uses over the years is now residential
A very large, wood shingle mansion in Quality Hill with attached carriage house that was used as a senior care facility for 105 years
A low-slung, semi-circular mid-century modern transportation hub in downtown Providence.
An early conversion from industrial mill to residential and commercial space visible from the highway as visitors enter from Massachusetts
What was left of the former lumber yard along Harris Ave. was replaced with new office space in 2009
An irregulary shaped former horse stable turned furniture showroom turned apartments
A local scooter sales and repair shop with a side of delicious expresso drinks
One of the last operating woven product mills in the area, closing in 2001, and later converted to residential starting in 2007
This 300-ton house was rotated and moved 450 feet up Olive Street in one piece over the course of three days
This once ornate building was simplified in the 1920s and once again in the 2000s but has always been commercial space
A soon-to-be-100-year-old movie theater went through a tumultous rebirth over a decade, and may now yet again be on the brink of something new
The first LEED-certified college residence hall in the state, part of the Rhode Island College campus
A late 90s/early 2000s conversion of a small mill with new addition on North Main Street into luxury condos
A relatively recent construction for large sporting and entertainment events, modernized in the late 2000’s to connect to the Convention Center
RISD-graduate Sheperd Fairey has pasted and painted his art over many decaying (and not-decaying) Providence buildings
An innovative early 70s hyperbolic paraboloid roof structure design that allowed a 130' x 325' uninterrupted interior space
A narrow and difficult to redevelop building languished on the Ten Most Endangered List for five years before getting a new life
Three tightly-packed buildings with histories in weaving and threading have turned residential and are thriving in post-industrial Central Falls
A former businessman’s club that could no longer operate is turned into the offices for an archoeological and historic preservation non-profit