Architect: Howard Hoppin (Hoppin, Read, & Hoppin; Hoppin & Ely; Hoppin, Field, & Peirce)
3 properties
1856 to 1940 — Hoppin began his architectural practice in Providence in the late 1870s. He worked alone until 1890, when he was joined by Spencer P. Read and his brother, Francis L. V. Hoppin to form Hoppin, Read & Hoppin until 1896. Hoppin then took Edward F. Ely into the firm, as Hoppin & Ely. In 1907, Ely left and Frederick E. Field became partner as Hoppin & Field until 1922. Thomas J. Hill Peirce joined the firm becoming Hoppin, Field & Peirce until Hoppin’s retirement. Source: Wikipedia
Since its acquisition in 1902, this mid-19th-century church has been studio and student activity space adjacent to the RISD Museum
A popular restaurant since 1973 in a unique red brick building that was an early horse-drawn apparatus Fire Station
A nine-story commercial building turned residential and joined the ranks of its neightbors in the collective called “Westminster Lofts”