List: I-95 Relocation Project
5 properties
The buildings and properties that were demolished in order to make way for the relocation of Interstate 195 through Providence.
The roadway system of on and off ramps when I-195 cut through the Jewelry District and over the Providence River
The roadway system of on and off ramps and causeway over Wickenden Street and the murals that adorned it
Demolished as part of the relocation of I-195 in the early 2000s, this large mill complex was home 45 small businesses, art studios, and a bar.
A former waterfront nightclub overlooking Narragansett Bay that operated under many different names in its 10 year lifespan
A large, late 19th-century mill complex razed for the relocation of I-195 in the mid-2000s. The complex was eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places in 1993.