List: Providence’s Five Industrial Wonders of the World

3 properties

At the end of the 19th century, Providence was known world-wide for these industrial marvels.

  • An amazingly dense complex of mill structures dating from the mid-1800s and in use for over 100 years before succumbing to two large fires in the midst of plans to redevelop

    College Hill | Built: 1840–1873 | Demolition: 1971
    Added to NRHP: 1970 | NRHP Reference Number: 709380013 (contributing)

  • Slow and steady wins this race — vacated in 1964, some of the buildings were in use as early as 1988, but only 30 years later has the entire complex been redeveloped

    Smith Hill | Built: 1872–1941
    Added to NRHP: April 18, 2003 | NRHP Reference Number: 03000081 (individual)

  • A sprawling complex and a leading designer of silver goods for 100 years or more. Still in business (not in RI) as part of the Lenox Corporation.

    South Providence | Built: 1890 | Demolition: 1998
    Added to NRHP: 1981 | NRHP Reference Number: Eligible, not listed