Meeting Street, #235 (built 1896)
One the last remaining historic homes on the Thayer to Brook Street block demolished for a new structure
images of this Property
The block bounded by Meeting (north), Brook (east), Euclid (bottom), and Thayer (west) Streets with 235 Meeting Street circled in red — 1908 L.J. Richards Insurance Map, private collection
11 images: Press to view larger or scroll sideways to see more. Contribution from an L.J. Richards Insurance Map
About this Property
Reason for Demolition
This was the only pre-1900 home left on the block. The bulk of the block — nine houses — were demolished in 2013 in favor of a new privately-developed student apartment building called 257 Thayer. This final hold out was surrounded by the new residence structure and under market pressure to be converted as well.
The building, from the outside, did not appear to be in terrible shape. It was occupied until its demolition by a ground floor restaurant business. In the tax records, the owner was listed as “Boutros Salo & Boghos LLC.”
This property loss is part of our essay about the erosion of the College Hill Historic District.
Current Events
A new four story apartment building is being constructed on this site.
From the College Hill Historic District nomination form, Edward F. Sanderson & Keith N. Morgan, January 1976
235 Meeting Street. 1896. 2-1/2 stories; end gable; clapboard; 2-family converted to commercial use; carved panel in porch pediment; new plate glass windows on 1st and 2nd floor front; many windows blocked on sides; scalloped shingles in gable end.