Splinters Sports Bar


Splinters is a bit of an RIP as well as a Redeveloped story. First, this is a memorial to what we lovingly refer to as “the old man bar”. Many a morning, afternoon, and evening was spent here by the Splinters patrons, and they and the orginal Splinters crew still have a bar to call home in Cranston, where the new Splinters moved to. The wood panelling and tin ceilings were saved and refinished for a new bar for Muldowney’s. Yes, it seemed like one old man bar devoured the other, and that’s pretty close to the truth.

AS220 was landlord for both Splinters and Muldowney’s. In 2004 the board at AS220 decided it was time for an expansion, and they cut a deal with the bar tenants. The AS220 cafe would expand into the old Muldowney’s space. Splinters would move out, and their space would be prepped for Muldowney’s to take over. The work on Splinters was done in early 2005, and the space was outfitted with a new bar, prep area, and bathrooms, as well new lighting, fixtures, panelling, circulation system and street front. When it came time to move, they literally told everyone to pick up their drinks and cigarettes and move two doors down the street. (AS220 is still the landlord to Muldowney’s and the small barber shop, along with Perishable Theatre’s space).

The old Muldowney’s underwent its transformation into the new AS220 cafe and kitchen, while the old performance space expanded by losing the bar and food prep area that it had in favor of more floor and wall (gallery) space.

Lester Petrarca Sep 5 2012 My dad ran this place from 1960 to 1974 as “Pat’s Tap”. At that time it was a “mens” bar. Surprisingly enough, my dad had very few problems with drunks and fights until the laws were changed and he was forced to allow women in. He sold it shortly thereafter.

The information about each building grows as visitors let us know about their experiences. Did you or a member of your family work here? Did you grow up near it as a child? Let us know. All entries will be moderated and may be posted in an edited form. We will use your name unless you tell us otherwise. We will not make your email public.

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