Developer: Walter Bronhard
5 properties
A real estate owner and developer with many properties on the East Side. Has saved a few historical houses but has also demolished more than a few. A GoLocal Providence news story from 2017 chronicles some of the pieces of property Mr. Bronhard stewards.
Six new apartments in a trendy-styled contemporary building sited on a once vacant lot overlooking a historically significant part of the city
Demolition Alert
A beautifully detailed late 19th-century double house will succumb to the wrecking ball in favor of more of the same modern apartment building design
A new five-story apartment building set on two adjoined lots on the edge of the Thayer Street shopping district
A new three story, boxy and flat modern apartment building on an important historic East Side corner
An over 200 year old house avoids demolition, but very little of its original interior remains